
Showing posts from December, 2008

MDX Resources

Today I received an email from someone asking what resource material I recommend for MDX with Essbase. After I wrote up and sent the response, I thought it would be something good to post, so below is the body of the email I sent: I would recommend the following reference material for working with MDX for Essbase If you have block storage experience then the following PDF is very helpful. You can find a copy at This content can also be found in the technical reference under the MDX node; there is a section called Aggregate Storage Topics. Beyond the material provided by Hyperion, there are two books I recommend: Fast Track to MDX – Whitehorn, Zare, and Pasumansky. Fast Track is not Essbase specific, it is MS Analysis Services focused, but it provides a good introduction to the basics of MDX that I found very useful...

Dec Update

Quick update since I haven't posted in a while. I actually have a topic to post on I just haven't gotten around to putting it up, but should have it up soon. Things have been very busy lately, working in the financial services industry is a challenge these days, actually I suppose working in any industry is a challenge these days. Fortunately I do have some distractions, one of which is my participation on the ODTUG Hyperion SIG Board of Directors. Currently the BOD is engaged in putting together the agenda for the Kaleidoscope user conference in Monterey, CA. June 2009. Over the past few weeks, we have been reviewing abstracts and structuring the different tracks for the five days of the conference. I am very pleased with the content we have and really like the way the program is coming together. I strongly urge you to check out and consider attending this year. While expenses are going to be very tight this year for most of us, I stro...