
Showing posts from 2020

Oracle Blockchain Platform tutorial, Part 3 of 3: Blockchain Analytics with Oracle Analytics Cloud

An overview of Oracle Analytics Cloud and how it can be leveraged to report on blockchain activity Introduction Welcome to Part 3, of my three part series, on Oracle Blockchain platform. Hopefully by now you have read Part 1 and Part 2 . If you haven't, I recommend checking them out. In this post I'm going to talk about Oracle Analytic Cloud (OAC), which is a fantastic data visualization and analytics tool. While this use case is tied to the work I did with Oracle's Blockchain platform, this tutorial can be applied broadly, it is not only relevant to Blockchain. In fact, if you read Part 2 in this series then you already know about the Rich History Database and you understand that we will actually be building our visualizations on top of Autonomous Data Warehouse (ADW), not the Blockchain itself. Setting up a connection to Oracle Analytics Let's jump right in to the tutorial and set up a data connection from Oracle Analytics to our Rich History Database. I'm goi...