
Showing posts from May, 2019

How durable are your EPM backups?

Summary This article discusses requirements and solutions for backing up Oracle EPM applications. It highlights a new procedure that is available in Oracle EPM cloud to help meet requirements for keeping application backups viable over a long period of time. Introduction Backups are one of those things we don't think too much about until we need them, then they suddenly become very important. It's something we know we have to do, routines are set up to do it, and we hope it works when it's needed. If we're really diligent, we test the recovery process from time to time to ensure it works as expected. One thing I've learned about backups is that they are not all the same. We take backups for different reasons with different expectations. Just saying "I have a backup" sounds good to check it off a list and make our functional application owners feel good. However, depending on the circumstances when a request comes in to restore a backup, we may find...