
Showing posts from November, 2018

PBCS dynamic xref, ASO to BSO - roll your own hybrid!

Overview PBCS has made life so easy when it comes to moving data between plan types.  Setting up a Planning to Essbase ASO reporting cube, on-premise, is a very involved process with automations to either export/import data or to move data via partitions.  With PBCS it's pretty much as easy as clicking a button in the UI or calling a data map definition in EPMAutomate. A number of questions come up when determining how you want to architect your PBCS app.  You need to think about how data is going to be stored in the different plan types and how the data flow is going to work so that you get the results you need as quick as possible while ensuring the app is easy for users to navigate.  Features like Smart Push, which allow you to create data forms pointing to a BSO plan type and also write to an ASO plan type (or another BSO type if you wish) give you a lot of options to isolate your users from seeing what's going on behind the curtain.  I make it a sell...