
Showing posts from April, 2017

Deleting a large number of groups in PBCS

Adjusting to working in the cloud takes some time; there are things we are used to being able to do on-premise where the functionality may be more mature or we have additional utilities to assist us. Recently I ran into an issue in PBCS where we had imported a large number of groups and then decided we did not need them.  At first glance it appeared the only way to remove them was one by one via the GUI.  Since there were over 500 groups I was not willing to do that.  I opened an SR and unfortunately Oracle confirmed there was no way to do it and I would need to submit an enhancement request. I did some poking around on blogs and the documentation, along with some more trial and error and actually figured out a way to do it by altering LCM exports and the Import Settings.  Below are the steps I took to accomplish this.  I suspect this method might be "unsupported" by Oracle, I'm not sure, so full disclosure that you are doing this at your own risk.  Ple...