
Showing posts from March, 2014

MDX queries to get Parent/Child and Gen/Lev format (sort of)

I recently stumbled across some interesting MDX functionality.  Unfortunately I have to put the disclaimer right off the bat that sadly this feature may not be of much use given the very poor format of the output, nonetheless this is an interesting way to go about extracting this data and if the user has no other method available to them, it might be helpful.  Perhaps someday Oracle will provide a better facility for formating MDX output and for those of you using MDX behind the scenes to feed a custom app, this should be right up your ally. The feature I am referring to is the MDX Property Expression.  Basically what this function does is allow you to pull onto your result axis DIMENSION properties for the members you are returning.  The options for what you pull can be quite robust if you structure properly. So for starters let's say you wanted to query a dimension and return parent child members You could run the following query:  SELECT {} ON AXIS(0)...