
Showing posts from 2012

Dusting off this blog

Well - it has been a while since I have posted to my blog and figured it was time I get something new out there. I've been pretty busy lately, which puts me in the paradox of having lots to share on my blog, but not enough time to write blog posts. Ironically when I have time to blog, that usually means I don't have anything to talk about. But this is an exception and I am motivated to publish some information given a number of things going on, particularly on the heels of my recent trip to San Antonio Texas to check out the site of this year's ODTUG KScope12 conference. But before I get into that, first I would like to share some news that will also explain my hiatus from blogging. Over the past year I have been working on a book project with a number of well known and highly respected Oracle Essbase professionals. If I am to be judged by the company I keep, then I have managed to work my way into something special. This project is headed up by friend, colleague, and...