
Showing posts from 2011

SQL queries for Essbase developers

So when I first set up this blog I posted that I would not only write about Essbase all of the time and I would include other content as well. Looking back over my posts, I have not lived up to that too well, so here's one in the "other technology" category. Of course it still has an Essbase slant on it, but even if you are one of those non-believers that uses a different OLAP technology, some of these examples might still be of interest to you. Recursive (Parent/Child) queries in SQL. Let's say you are well organized and have your metadata structures in relational tables, rather than just living in some Excel files. Now suppose you want to spin off a cube from one of these structures, but you don't want the entire structure, maybe you just want a particular branch of the hierarchy (i.e. all descendants below a certain parent). Pulling that kind of query in a relational database used to be kind of tough. Here's an example of how to do it. Let's say yo...

Been a long time between posts

Wow, it has been a long time between posts. It's not that I haven't wanted to but it just seems things have been so busy lately. I am living the cliche "do more with less". Actually it's just do more with what you got and more and more and more. Oh well, not that I'm complaining. Anyway it seems like Kaleidoscope is coming around the corner soon and that usually gets me to dust off my blog as I get excited about attending. This year will be particularly important to me since I had to miss last year when I had to cancel at the last minute due to personal reasons. I'm sorry to anyone who was planning to see my presentation, I made a point of forwarding all of my content and I know my session wasn't canceled, a fill in speaker took the slot for me and presented my material, so hopefully that made up for my last minute drop out. This year will hopefully not see anything unexpected. I'm working on a very cool MDX presentation for administrators...